Top Agent Network

Own Marin is a member of the Top Agent Network, an exclusive online platform for the top 10% of agents in Marin County. Members post upcoming homes for sale, off-market listings and qualified buyer needs. Clients of a Top Agent Network member get access to a private collection of homes for sale or can find qualified buyers using a private network to sell their home.

Marin Platinum Group

An exclusive, invitation only network for the top 100 realtors in Marin County where verified top producing agents share upcoming properties, off-market properties and qualified buyer needs. Together we work with our colleagues to find unique opportunities for our clients.

kik Board Member

Kentfield Invests in Kids (KIK), the Kentfield Schools Foundation, is a parent-driven, volunteer non-profit organization in the Greenbrae-Kentfield school community. The foundation raises funds, while building community, to help support the high-quality education our children receive in the Kentfield School District.